Bible (Sermon Outline)

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3 Reasons why God calls us to Evangelism

Intro: (Charles Spurgeon)
 A great preacher in London, Charles Spurgeon. One day, he received a letter from a president of a company in the United States. They said to him, “Pstr. Spurgeon, we want you to come to our important business meeting next month and we want you to give 50 lectures on Motivation. We know that you’re one of the great motivators in the world today, so we want you to come to motivate our business men to act in their duties. Well, if you want to weave in Christianity, that’s okay. We will give you $50,000 dollars for your trip, we’ll pay for your food, your hotel, and you can bring with you your wife or your secretary… We’d like your response in the next ten days.”
 Charles Spurgeon thought about it for a moment. Then he wrote to them, he replied saying “I’m sorry, I cannot come. You haven’t offered me enough (It’s too little). I can do much, much better if I stay in England.
 If I go to U.S. you may give me fifty thousand dollars but if I stay in England over the next month, I may win 50 souls for Jesus. And there is no price you can pay me for that.”
-Charles Spurgeon had a passion for Evangelism. Every great soul winner has a raw appetite for souls, they have passion for souls. Every soul winner, there’s something in their heart…

1.    It is the Passion of God’s Heart

- “Any man that is not interested in Evangelism doesn’t understand the heart of God.”
Evangelism is God’s Passion. There is no time that God is not thinking about winning lost people.
God had only one Son, Jesus Christ. And Jesus was an Evangelist.
*Luke 19:10 (Summary text of all the gospel)
 -The Lost cannot  be saved unless they are sought and the reason they are sought is to be saved.
Evangelism beats in the heart and in the mind of every soul winner…
>George Whitefield said, “O Lord, give me souls or take my soul.”
>Dwight L. Moody said, “Use me for whatever purpose you desire but, O Lord, use me to win souls.”

There is no other desire than the burning desire to reach lost people for Jesus. Every Passion of God centers to the salvation of humanity. Every Interest of God is focused on the Salvation of men and women. Every mission of Christ points to the Love of God to save every person. There is no other thing, there is no other option, there is nothing that God longs for than men and women and boys and girls will be with Him in Eternity! There is no other important thing to God than the salvation of humanity!...

There some people view Christianity as a Narrow Thing. Here’s their narrow view of Christianity:
 >I want to stay among good people and keep my good things, I don’t want to go to such a place of risky, I don’t want to share some good news to drunkards, smokers, etc… Give up bad things and save myself.
Q: How much bad was there up in heaven that Jesus gave up?
 -Jesus did not gave up bad things so He could be saved, He gave up good things so others could be saved.
Jesus left the glory and beauty of heaven and came to this sin-polluted world. Jesus left the warmth of those who loved Him to face the coldness of those who hated Him. Jesus left the praise, the honor, the worship of those who exalted Him to receive the ridicule and the scorns of those who crucified Him.
 So Christianity is not giving up bad things so I could be saved but rather at times giving up good things so others could be saved.
Some People are Lost but they don’t know it. God can just sit still on His throne and watch the world fall. God cannot speak about the things that will not save the perishing, dying world. God’s Passion is Burning hot! His Heart throbs in appeal to save the dying humanity.
God calls for man and woman whose heart is filled with passion for Evangelism.
God calls man and woman who is energized with the Love of Jesus over the lost people.
God is not counting our Ability. It is not our Ability but it is our Availability.
God is calling man and woman who are willing to be involve in the service of reaching people for Jesus. God is calling, no matter who you are and what you have He Calls for you.

*Story of a Blind Woman in India who led many souls to Jesus.

*Story John Hyde “Praying Hyde” had a passion for souls that costs even his life for the sake of lost people.   

Appeal Question: Do you feel the Passion of God burning in your heart?
                             Have you ever come to God with a burden for souls?

2.    It fulfills the reason of our Existence in this dark, dying world. It gives meaning for our Destiny.
 -Have you ever thought in your life, Why you are here in this world? Have you ever spent time thinking Why did you came into Existence, why I wasn’t born in earlier times, why did God chose to let be here in this time?
Do I have a Purpose? Do I have a Mission? Do I have anything to do for my existence?
Evangelism or soul winning gives a meaning for our existence. God has chosen you, God has chosen us. He made us for something better. He created us for something Big.
We are not living in this world to merely enjoy life. What gives life a true joy is to bring joy to the heart of our Creator. We enjoy life when we give happiness to the heart of God. We enjoy life when we bring gladness to the heart of God!
When we reach somebody for Jesus, we are making heaven sings! There is Joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents!
 We are created and made for a Purpose! Our Identity is not lost. We know who we are in Jesus because He found us. Before we ever knew who we are, Jesus already knew us. And our Mission fulfills our identity in Jesus!
 As a Child of God, I am here to spread His Love. As a son/daughter of God, I am here in this world to tell about the Loving God who longs to save all humanity.
Evangelism pulsates in the heart of every workers of Christ.
It burns in their soul. It energizes their mind. It flows in their veins.
Soul winning is who they are!

 Somebody has asked, “Could not God save people without my help or without me preaching to them?”
>A coin has two sides:
 The one side of the coin is the Sovereignty of God and the other side of the coin is the choice of a believer.
In the Sovereignty of God, He may save some and He will save some that never heard the name of Christ.
 -He will work in the heart of Buddhist people, in Hindu people, and some of them would be in the Kingdom of God. The people that God saved in His Sovereignty is up to Him. But as far as His own people are concerned. The Scripture teaches us that having compassion for souls makes a difference. That the love of Christ compelled us. We do not preach His word to give others their only chance, but to give them the best chance!
 The Clearest Revelation of God’s Love, grace, and His truth is in the Word of God. And Christ’s Love compels us to reach others for Him, it compels us to share to them the good news.
And that’s why SDA people are optimistic-people. They go to wherever God sends them. They do whatever God asked them to do with a joy radiating in their hearts and filled with Spirit of Christ.
 God can save others who never heard the name of Jesus without our help, but we are to give them the best opportunity to know Christ! God calls us to share in the Joy of the Lord!
*Romans chapter 1 –The Gentiles are lost.
  Romans chapter 2 –The Jews are lost.
  Romans chapter 3 –The whole world is lost.
,And Romans chapter 4 and 5 –Men and Women are saved as they come to Jesus Christ. Justification by Faith.
*Romans 6 through 8 is a bridge to Sanctification.
In Romans 10, it focuses all the essence of the gospel and it focuses on salvation and How men and women are saved.
*Romans 10:13, 14
-To be saved, you must call on the name of the Lord. But you can’t call unless you believe. And you can’t believe unless you hear…
Soul winning is a Science!
*Story of Richard Capuyan of How God Changed Him unexpectedly.
Why God has called you to reach others for Jesus. Is because you are Unique to God. There is no other person than you who would do the task that God has given personally.
Testimonies, vol. 9, pg.41 – “By personal labor reach those around you, Become acquainted with them. Preaching will not do the work that needs to be done. Angels of God attend you to the dwellings of those you visit. This work cannot be done by proxy. Money lent or given will not accomplish it. Sermons will not do it. By visiting the people, talking, praying, sympathizing with them, you will win hearts. This is the highest missionary work that you can do. To do it, you will need resolute, persevering faith, unwearying patience, and a deep love for souls.”
Appeal Question: Do you let God fulfill His Desire for the Purpose of your Life?
                             What else that motivates you more to reach others for Jesus?

3.    It is the way to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
-Have you ever heard someone says, “Jesus is coming soon! Let us Wait for Him!”

God’s soul winners are not watchers, they are Witnesses of Christ’s last day people!
We are not Sitting-Down-Always. We are commissioned to preach the gospel, to spread the Truth and the good news to every kindred, tongues, and people.
Before Jesus will come, the world will be illuminated with His glory…

*100,000 baptisms achieved in Rwanda last July 5, 2016
The Time of God Counts Nothing! If it is Time, it is Time! We cannot reverse the time of God.
Yes, Jesus is coming soon but how soon is that? How near is it? Is it His Delay or is it our Delay?

Jesus Delays His Coming not because He doesn’t want to come and not because He longs to come. He delays His coming because there is some man, some woman, some boy, some girl that you can reach for His kingdom. He chose to still bear the pain, the suffering, the sorrow of the world because if Jesus would come, people that could have been saved are lost.
*Story about Satan Discussing with His evil angels to deceive people. “There is No Hurry”

Main Appeal:
 How are you with your spiritual experience with Jesus? Is it superficial, is it shallow, is it little? God is calling you for something great. He is calling you receive His Spirit in abundance.
What vision do you have for the revival of our church(Specifically)?
Is there anything in your life that hinders you to have that burning passion that God longs to fill in you, would you like to say to Jesus, “Lord, Take me for I am Yours. Whatever you want me to do, I want to do it.”

My Friends, Let us always be More Inspired, Encouraged, and Motivated to be actively involved in the Evangelism of God.
God Bless You More



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